The Dance of Earth and Moon
Mother Earth and Father Moon are divine cosmic soul mate celestial bodies that conceive, feed, and nurture life, the sun a mountain of hot, hot rock that sustains this life, and the universe a celestial womb and otherworldly existence beyond human comprehension. Mother Earth and Father Moon are in a perpetual cosmic mating dance, orbiting each other in a rocking and swinging motion, pushing and pulling, in sync, on a circular course in front of the sun, thus seasons. Summer, directly in front of the sun, Fall, pulling away from the sun, Winter, the farthest from and in direct opposition of the sun, and Spring, pushing back toward the sun. During their mating dance Father Moon pollinates Mother Earth with cognizant energy, as evidenced when Mother Earth is at high tide and most fertile, while Mother Earth produces flesh in various forms, creature and plant. Humans are just highly intelligent animals that developed from oceanic microorganisms like all other creatures, as evidenced by our finger and toe nails otherwise known as claws. All are an extension of Mother Earth and Father Moon.
After a birth, adolescence, and courtship in some other part of the universe, Mother Earth and Father Moon, both glacial celestial orbs, moved to our location in front of the sun and began their cosmic mating dance. As Father Moon began to pollinate Mother Earth, her surface glaciers began to melt and she began to swell, and in time Mother Earth burst inside at her core, like ice cracking in heat, which caused enormous craters to form and fill with melted glaciers on the surface of her celestial body, known as the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, as well as various other smaller craters, such as the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, and others. As these enormous craters filled with melted glaciers, the dirt and rock beneath the surface of Mother Earth's glaciers became exposed, and many countless microorganisms became exposed to the sun. Many years later, maybe hundreds of years, no one knows, these microorganisms began to grow and evolve and become life, like little sea monkeys, made up of water and bound to land. Father Moon, part illuminated glacier and part dark mountainous terrain, as evidenced during full, first/last quarter, and new moons, is an ever loyal and protective presence, always actively caring for Mother Earth and the life between them, deeply committed and never faltering, ever innocent and true and pure soul mates.
The Human soul is cognizant and intelligent energy, born from father moon, that never dies, only evolves. Our bodies merely a meat suit born from Mother Earth to shelter and protect our souls in our individual life journeys for personal meaning and purpose, and upon leaving this life the soul either graduates to a higher existence of being or is expelled into an eternal wasteland of darkness and despair. I do not believe that our personal journeys in life are a test, but rather a part of our own natural celestial evolution and a natural process of selection, and while our personal journeys through life are not a test, it does determine our placement. Some ascend to the highest existence of being, others descend to the lowest bowels. All bad eggs are aborted, only the pure ascend. That which becomes rotten is never again pure. Crimes against the soul are eternal, so, too, are stains on the soul eternal. The integrity of the soul is determined by character, not human wealth and status, nor power and control. These are the Laws of Nature on the highest and most supreme authority, infinitely greater than the human will. There is no way to circumvent nor avert the Laws of Nature as the Laws of Nature are Universal Laws that extend infinitely and eternally far beyond human will.
No one can know exactly what lies ahead in the afterlife, beyond a higher existence of being or eternal wasteland, until the afterlife has been reached, but there is a very real afterlife, as evidenced by my own personal journey by the grace of God, Nature, and Angels, very well documented and witnessed by the world. Mother Earth and Father Moon demonstrate a divine energy sensitivity communion with me, nature, and all creatures, as well as the Angels that whisper dream brilliance to me while I sleep and to my subconscious mind while awake. I cannot explain in scientific terms how this is accomplished, because it is only through my own personal experience that this communion by a divine energy sensitivity is achieved. This divine energy sensitivity has no measurable qualities, and thus, cannot be measured by science, and therefore, it is beyond the human capacity to comprehend. This sensitive energy can be studied, but cannot be learned, nor applied scientifically, it is strictly a sensitive energy that is received as a conduit, not harnessed, nor commanded or controlled. No one can harness, command, nor control divine sensitive energy, as it is a free form, free from all human bonds and bounds, and acts freely in it's own rite at will. This sensitive energy is the soul beyond the flesh, the thoughts, feelings, ideas, and memories that are not made up of flesh, but are buffered and contained within the flesh, the sensitive energy at the core of all existence. This cognizant and intelligent sensitive energy at the core of all existence, the soul, when not confined by flesh, can be felt and witnessed by humans, if so choosing to be.
I believe that, in the afterlife, all existences commune through this sensitive energy, having a greatly heightened sensitivity to other energy without the flesh buffer, as it's only in our flesh that one must use a mouth and tongue and vocal chords and ears to communicate, our flesh merely being a vessel to navigate through earthly terrains. I also believe that all souls have mates and that instant mutual chemistry and attraction is recognizing your mate. And, like Mother Earth and Father Moon, when a soul mate is found, only by staying true to the true self, it's a mate for life, with deeply profound bonds that cannot be forced nor contrived, and can neither be easily broken, only to devastating affects. Only lesser creatures of small and feeble minds, that have not the capacity to comprehend meaning and purpose, lack deeply profound bonds and connections, and mate haphazardly in their own empty existence and to their own vain self defeat, but even among lesser creatures many mate for life, heeding an inherent need to stay true to the true self for greater meaning and higher purpose in a most fulfilling and satisfying existence.
It is also fair to say that as our souls posses our bodies, so, too, are Earth and Moon souls at the core, albeit a far higher enlightenment, and that, in time, Earth and Moon shall also leave behind their celestial bodies to decompose, disposing of all the souls that are rotten and taking with them all the pure souls that remain on to a higher purpose of existence beyond any fathomable Human comprehension. This is a fate that cannot be altered, avoided, nor circumvented, because, as the laws of nature and science, if the integrity of the soul is corrupted it literally, as a law of nature, cannot make the journey to the afterlife, as the burden of sin cannot be lifted, but diminishes the integrity of the soul, and thus weighs down and drags sinners to Hell, while the pure become weightless, freed from the bounds of flesh, and naturally ascend with enough pure energy to actually reach the afterlife destination, as others that have been corrupted fall back and fall away, and perish, and are then dragged away to rot in a vacuum like vortex of dead and rotten souls, like human waste in a whirlpool created by the circular course of Earth and Moon, all the while remaining cognizant and coherent, aware and "alive" as all energy remains, but forever banished with no hope for reprieve. When Earth and Moon finally expire and move on, taking with them all the good souls harvested, breaking the cycle of the vortex, it then stands to reason that all the souls bound in Hell would then float away, but, without pure energy to propel themselves to afterlife safety, would ultimately be sucked into another nearby planetary vortex and so forth and so forth.