The Decree
Earth and Animal Rights
Earth and animals have the right to live good and healthy lives free from human abuses. Humans must respect and live in harmony with Earth and all animals. No exceptions. Offenders will not be tolerated nor appealed to, all offenses are punishable.
Eating meat, while a choice, is normal and healthy, as it is the human design, but cruelty and abuse are not, and are punishable. Animals bred for the purpose of food must be free range and must be treated with dignity and respect. Likewise, trophy hunting and wildlife trafficking are punishable, as any domestic animal abuse.
Environmental Laws
Crude oil and fossil fuels will be eliminated. Crude oil will be replaced by vegetable based oils. Fossil fuels will be replaced by solar, wind, and water power sources. There will be no factories nor factory made products. All clothing, houseware, and consumption products will be man made using Hemp, Cotton, and Glass. All housing and building materials will be brick, cement, and wood. As well, all detergents and pesticides will be replaced by equally effective natural alternatives. All food and hygiene products will be made with natural ingredients. No chemicals.
All vendor products will be made with reusable packaging. Unless the patron decides to keep the packing for personal use, when the product has been consumed or depleted the packaging will be returned to the vendor for sterilization and repackaging. Only when the packaging has become too worn and/or broken will it be recycled and new packaging be produced to replace it. Likewise, all shopping/grocery bags will be reusable and follow these same guidelines.
Earth and Art Landscaping
The Earth must not be covered over with cement. All Civic Centers and Metropolis Areas will be reassigned National Parks. All business and residential structures must be spaced and must adhere to Environmental Laws. Nature reigns here, not Humans, and not cement.
Along with National Park Reassignment, Earth Landscaping must routinely be done throughout all areas of nature, like pruning weeds from a garden, to maintain Earth's health and environment.
All common public areas will be sanctioned for art including, but not limited to murals, sculptures, and graffiti, with respect to decency. Each location may be reserved for 90 days on a first come first served basis, or for longer periods if no other reservations are made for the location. All hours applied to production are personal project hours that apply to work hours only after work has been completed. As well, the time it takes to produce work drafts must not exceed the time it takes to complete production, and stages of production must be documented.
Human Rights
All have the right to live their own good and healthy lives, at will, on their own terms, and the right to refuse company, friendships, relationships, partnerships, offers and advances. No one has the right to decide, command, demand, force, nor betray the healthy boundaries of others. No one is entitled to the lives of others.
A higher value must never be placed on the lives of offenders to that of victims. Victims are always innocent and must always be the priority. Offenders must never be appealed to in any capacity whatsoever. Even just one victim is more precious than a dozen or more offenders.
All have the right to privacy, in the home and in public.
No one may be discriminated against for race, gender, nor sexual orientation. Likewise, no one may receive privilege for race, gender, nor sexual orientation. All are equally responsible and accountable for themselves, as all are equally expected to rightfully achieve success in their own rite. Race, gender, and sexual orientation are not qualifying merits.
Children's Rights
Children have the right to good, healthy, safe, and constructive environments and guardianship. No one has the right to violate children's rights. Not parents, nor Government, nor any agency or institution, nor any member of society. If you can't raise them right, don't have them. To violate children's rights is child abuse and is punishable. Children will then be placed in the appropriate school dorms with other likeminded children attending specialized schools, no different than going away to school to study and cultivate themselves and their own futures.
Parental Rights
The Laws of Nature apply. No one should have more children in the house than teats at any time. Children deserve and must have your undivided care, attention, guidance, and guardianship at all times. Independence should be encouraged in children, but children must not raise themselves nor each other. Neglect is child abuse and punishable.
Irresponsible breeding is child abuse and punishable. Abortions, in dire circumstances, are a choice, but are not to be used as birth control for irresponsible breeding. Responsibility is birth control.
Having a child is a woman's choice, but it is also a man's choice. No one has the right to breed and bully. Both man and woman must mutually consent to have a child together or mutually agree to a single parent alternative or adoption, otherwise a child must not be conceived. To conceive a child without consent is a violation of Human Rights and Children's Rights, and thus is punishable. No one has the right to make others beholden to breed and bully demands. No means no.
Maternity leave is 13 months for both parents, starting week 36 of pregnancy and continuing through the next 12 months. The next 4 years, until the child begins school, are an extended maternity leave with both parents working a minimum of 80 hours per month between them with at least a 20/60 split. When the child begins school at age 5 both parents must return to work 80 hours per month respectively, from home or from office work studio, multitasking work and family. At 15 the child will go to specialized trade schools, and by 18 be considered adult.
There will be no day care, nannies, baby sitters, nor family members to care for and/or raise your children, with the exception of emergencies. All are expected to raise their own children.
Children in need of adoption must only be placed in good, healthy, safe, and constructive environments and guardianship. This includes same sex couples and different races.
School System and Apprenticeships
All educational curriculum will be redefined and rewritten, correctly and accurately. All schools will be small classrooms of no more than 6-8 students that specialize in different trades, working closely together, cultivating themselves and each other, building healthy self esteem and relationships among like minded peers. Each child will undergo basic education; Math, Science, English, History, through grade 6, as well as critical thinking, problem solving, and life skill philosophies through grade 9, while also being introduced to different elective and alternative interests throughout. Children will also be taught the dangers and consequences of propaganda, how to recognize propaganda and how to handle encounters and confrontations with propaganda. Tell someone, talk to a parent, teacher, or official. Each child will be closely mentored and evaluated from an early age to determine and cultivate individual skills, talents, passions, and interests. Upon completing grade 9 each child will choose for themselves the specialized trade schools they want to attend to further their own trades based on their own personal ambitions and merit, and then each child will be housed in campus dorms on school sites with 2 weeks off during spring, summer, fall and winter breaks. Upon completing specialized school courses, the now young adults will enter the world of trade. Volunteer and apprenticeship programs will pave the way for personal business plans, partnerships, and endeavors.
Life Purpose and Resources
Everyone has the right to succeed in their own lives, in their own rites. All business ideas and ventures are automatically greenlighted on demand. Otherwise people will need to volunteer or apprentice for other business ideas and ventures that are greenlighted. People are expected to maintain their own productivity and pull their own weight in society. Resources and Materials must always be freely available. When work, inspiration, resources, or materials are lacking people need only look at what needs to be done and take the initiative. All resource and material contacts will be available in online databases or in yellow pages phone books. Technology will be used only as a resource, not vice. Everyone is encouraged to volunteer or apprentice to learn new trades that benefit their own chosen trades. It is each individual's responsibility to take the initiative and succeed, and each individual is accountable for their own productivity and success. All will be required to document their own hours and productivity, as well as their success and demand. If your product or service is no longer needed or in demand, keep it on your website resume and seek a new trade. There may come a time when your product and/or service is needed and/or comes into demand again.
Personal projects that are not in demand are to be done on your own time. When there comes a demand you may choose to greenlight your project at that time. People should document hours for personal projects. If a personal project becomes greenlit the retro hours will be transferred over to work hours.
People must maintain a workload of 80 hours per month, the equivalent to 4 hours per day, 5 days a week, keeping their own hours at their own discretion. Overtime accumulations will carry over and may be applied to vacation time. Everyone is entitled to one week vacation for spring, summer, fall and winter breaks.
All contracts must follow straightforward and honest guidelines in stating the terms of an agreement. No one may use contracts to make others beholden, nor to manipulate, dictate or control the lives, image, livelihood, choices, or actions of others.
All are expected to contribute to society in some capacity. Vagrancy is predatory misconduct and punishable.
Technology is to be used only as a resource and a tool, and not to be exploited. All will maintain their own nondomestic websites and bookkeeping for the purpose of managing livelihood. There will be no personal accounts, and no personal affairs will be made public. The same laws apply to technology that apply to individuals conduct. Exploitative behavior in technology, as individuals conduct, are punishable.
Money to Expense
People do not need money. People need only inspiration, ambition, resources, and materials. The transition from money to expense is easy. People need only keep receipts and inventories of products, supplies, and services, going out and coming in, rather than bank account balances. All debts will be erased and no future debts will be acquired. All transactions will be at will, need, and demand.
All are entitled, by right, to housing, food, electricity, clothing, hygiene, any and all personal possessions, resources and materials, at will, need, and demand. People would need only to request and /or contract products and/or services. All products and services will be provided as needed or on demand, first come first served. All product and service needs and demands will reconcile and balance with productivity.
Housing will be built and managed only as needed. Everyone is entitled to one house, married couples are entitled to two houses between them, respectively. Everyone can choose to live anywhere in the world where housing is available or have a house built where housing is not available. All houses are on a first come first serve basis, with wait lists when requested. There are no lease terms. However, if you disturb neighbors then you would need to move to a more appropriate area. Otherwise, when you move into a house you may stay as long or as briefly as you want. When you decide to move out the house will be posted as available. When you move into a house you may make any and all necessary repairs and/or desired renovations using available resources and materials. You may do the work yourself or contract maintenance and/or builders. Apartment buildings will be repurposed for hotels and/or transitional housing, as well as for work studios and resource/material warehouses, respectively. However, all high rise apartment buildings, and otherwise, will be demolished in National Park Reassignment. No building shall rise higher than the trees that surround them. Likewise, any and all other dwellings that are defunct and/or no longer utilized for any purpose, save for historical landmarks as defined by the Fall of Atlantis and Birth of a Nation, will fall under National Park Reassignment, including historical landmarks of Atlantis.
Any and all healthcare including, but not limited to, medical, dental, vision, pharmacy, emergency, hospice services and supplies are as needed and need only be documented inventory. Hustling otherwise healthy patients is punishable. Right to die is your right, if you choose.
Law and Order and Justice
No one has the right to betray the lives of others in any capacity, but everyone has the right to live a life without abuse. This includes all forms of abuse; mental, emotional, and physical; maim, murder, harassment, bullying, stalking, all sex offenses, torture, torment, malice, and cruelty, as well as any and all behavior that poses a danger and threat to others. Betraying the lives of others will cost you your own. When you don't betray the lives of others, others will live a good and healthy life without your abuse.
Offenders MUST be put down, never again a concern for their victims, nor danger or threat to others. These are the laws of nature. Impurities must be eradicated to prevent to the spread. There are no second chances. No one deserves to be victimized even the first time. No one needs to make victims, but everyone needs not to be victimized. Victimizing others MUST NOT be tolerated nor appealed to. Tolerance and appeal breeds more offenders. Freedom is a privilege not a right. Inhabiting Earth is a privilege not a right.
There are no trials, nor judge, nor jury. There are only certified detectives, evidence collected, facts determined, and a case made. There are no statutes of limitation in criminal cases, and no evidence may be ruled out. All evidence is pertinent. Withholding evidence is aiding and abetting, an obstruction of justice, and is made accomplice and punishable. There are no excuses, no exceptions, and no appeals. There is only judgment, innocent or guilty.
Gangs are fight clubs, and thus, members voluntarily give consent and gang crimes are fair play, but gang crimes against innocent non members is punishable.
Self defense in life threatening situations is not criminal, and all offenders are considered life threatening.
Everyone, when victim, has the right, if they so choose, to be part of the investigation with detectives or on their own, to interview suspects and witnesses, research and collect evidence, have access to all relevant documents and databases, determine facts, and make a case on their own behalf with respect to protocols, ie., disturbing or tampering with crime scenes and/or evidence, harassing and/or intimidating witnesses, forcing false confessions, etc.
All sexual misconduct is punishable and is defined as follows:
~Clothing that exposes private anatomy is sexual misconduct. Clothing must not resemble under garments.
~Manipulating and bullying the innocent and naive for sexual gratification is sexual misconduct, as deceiving and misleading others with false emotions and intentions for the purpose of sexual gratification is rape.
~Taking advantage of those who are of unsound mind or unable to give clear consent due to drugs or intoxication is rape.
~Unwelcomed and unwanted advances and attention are sexual misconduct, as is stalking, voyeurism, and monitoring.
~The production, distribution, and possession of sexual materials, ie. photography, film, media, etc., is sexual misconduct, as personal sexual behavior must be private and not be exhibited in public, nor be made public.
~All sexual behavior and encounters are personal and private. Privacy must be respected. Exploiting sexual behaviors and encounters is a violation of human rights and punishable sexual misconduct.
All propaganda is punishable and is defined as follows:
~Information that is false, untrue, manipulative, misleading, harmful, damaging, and corrupt, motivated to coerce and control others into submission and command, as well as incite rallies and riots, intended to undermine, betray, and uproot good and right truth, facts, values, and philosophies for the purpose of personal gain, domination, control and absolute power agendas.
~This includes, but is not limited to, religious doctrines and practices, and political manifestos and protests.
~The manufacture and distribution of propaganda, as well as the gathering and convening of propaganda groups and coalitions are punishable.
*Religious doctrines of the past will always exist and will be available in schools and libraries for study and research on Western Civilization, but the preaching and practice of this propaganda is punishable.
~Money is the world's most powerful propaganda, putting those that have it in power and control over those that don't. People don't need money. People need only inspiration, ambition, and resources, as well as responsibility and accountability. Only those who want power and control over others need money.
Responsibility and Accountability
Responsibility and accountability apply to all people in all behaviors, actions, and endeavors. All are responsible and accountable for themselves at all times. This includes taking mind and behavior altering drugs and consuming alcohol. These are to be done at your own discretion, responsibly, and at your own risk. It is your responsibility to be aware of the dangers and consequences associated with drinking and drugs, as it is your responsibility to monitor and control your use, as well as your own behaviors and actions while under the influence. When you knowingly choose to consume drugs or alcohol you are accountable for any and all punishable offenses that you may commit as a result. Irresponsibility is punishable.
Alcoholism and drug addiction are not tolerated nor appealed to. There are no alcohol or drug rehabilitation programs or services. When you become an alcoholic or drug addict it is of your own accord, thus your rehabilitation and recovery must also be of your own accord. Everyone has the right to live their own lives on their own terms, this includes alcohol and drug use, however, people must always conduct themselves appropriately and maintain productivity like everyone else. There are no exceptions. Everyone is expected to contribute to the community equally, and those that do not contribute are vagrants, and Vagrancy is punishable.
The spiking and drugging of the food and drink of others is criminal and punishable.
The manufacture and distribution of chemical drugs, while not criminal, are not a recognized occupation, and are to be done on your own time with consideration of others. Imposing on, disturbing, or affecting others is criminal and punishable.
Alcohol will be classified as beverage to be consumed at your own discretion, responsibly. Marijuana will be classified as tobacco to be consumed at your discretion, responsibly. Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana will be classified as products and the production and distribution of these products will be classified as services. Neither alcohol, tobacco, nor marijuana may contain any chemical additives.
Police, Fire, Rescue, Military
Police, Fire, Rescue, and Military will train, become certified, routinely be recertified and renew licenses, and be on call. All those on call will carry a pager or have apps on their phones to be alerted whenever there is a need for Police, Fire, Rescue, and Military presence nearby. Otherwise, all Police, Fire, Rescue, and Military will continue their own personal business daily operations.
All have the right to bear arms, licensed and registered, and the right to defend themselves and others in danger. However, bearing arms unlicensed and unregistered is punishable.