I could watch the wind blow the trees outside my window for hours and be forever captivated by her beauty while mama sits and talks with me.
One Earth. One World. One Nation. One People.
Slam doors, hug trees.
Life is a book of chapters. Every chapter begins and ends, and every new chapter becomes the next and last.
The winds change direction,
The Sun sets,
The Fall leaves fall,
Signaling that it's time for the Gypsy to move on.
She christened me in her ocean, licked me like a mama licks her pup.
When a mother hugs her child, her child hugs her back.
Shake my mane and roar like a wild thing.
Nature is art, poetry, and puzzles. Every tree tells a story, every cloud makes a brush stroke, and every wind whispers truths unheard.
If you want to get back to nature you have to get back to Earth and Moon. You cannot live in the real world if you're living in a world of manmade construct vices.
Aspire to be great.
Aspire to the most superior and supreme.
Aspire to the Gods Earth and Moon,
Not to lesser creatures of weak and feeble minds,
But love the lesser creatures for they know not better,
And show them love that they may come to understand it.
Children do not need to be shielded from the truth.
The truth must not be obscene.
The thinning of the herd is natural selection.
"...on Earth as it is in Heaven."
Humans need to live with nature, not like robot aliens walking through nature.
PERSPECTIVE: Earth and Moon have gone to great lengths and taken great pains to bring about this Revolution or Eradication. This must not be taken lightly.
Ideas are seeds, Actions are water.
Putting actions behind your ideas blooms brilliance.
And the storm rages on like a burning fever until it's broken. Then all is fresh and new as all impurities are washed away with the rain, cleansed and pure.
As Earth and Moon, it's not that the Queen serves the King, but that the King is a great King and worthy of a great Queen, and together they worship each other, Soul Mates, God and Goddess.
May the Gods Earth and Moon be blessed for within the blessings of the Gods, are mine.