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Wild Thing.

Writer: msjudikottlermsjudikottler

Updated: Jul 21, 2024

There was a girl child human animal born into a wilderness of industry and left on the doorstep of fate. Wild, untamed, barely cared for and abused. She used her fingers like she used her toes. She chewed her hair and her nails and picked her nose. She climbed trees, swang swings, played in the dirt, and hardly washed herself or brushed her hair or her teeth. She scratched and growled and howled and barked and sometimes she would bite. She was a natural child, a wild thing that only nature could understand. But there could be no mistake that she was also a gentle and elegant songbird with a swan song that enchanted the ear with the sweetest intrigue and mystery in a stunning rapture that moved many to tears, because as her voice rang like a bell through the night anyone and everyone could hear the voice of God, for she was, in fact, though unknown to even her, the Golden Child of the whole world, the unicorn princess of all the world’s most royal blood born into a magical prophecy of the highest royal design and order. But for now she was still only a little human animal left alone to fend for herself with only the breadcrumb scatterings of food, clothes, and shelter that were granted to her, and that were often scarce, as she found her own way through childhood into young adult life on the perilous journey mapped out for her by royal prophecy, order and decree, never knowing that she was different, but always feeling that she was, while everyone else around her knew everything and played games of cat and mouse, truth or dare with her life.

As she grew up and came into her own she outgrew many of her animal behaviors and adopted more socially acceptable behaviors and, despite her disadvantage, blossomed and bloomed into the most beautiful golden swan of all the finest royal blood in the big pond, but she never lost her sweet and guileless innocence, nor her fierce animal instinct and charm. That’s all there ever was to her, and it captivated the world to no end. People came from all over the world to see her, talk to her, know her, and then to rape her, betray her, shame her, and parade around town like heroes, hustlers, and whores while she stayed home and screamed and cursed and nursed her wounds none the wiser that all the while she was, in fact, the ultimate grand prize to be conquered and destroyed in the royal prophecy, order and decree. People with ugly dark pits for eyes that always felt dangerous and never felt trustworthy were the only people anywhere, ever. Wickedness and cruelty were all she knew of the world and all she knew was that all she could do was find her own right people and place in it, and she was always, never ending determined to do that. Forever a free and roaming gypsy on and across many royal compounds with the romance of nature, dreams, love, and adventure against the backdrop of royal industry atrocities.

Tio, as she came to know herself apart from the royal pauper’s name she was given at birth, was remarkably smart and clever in intellect as well as most gifted in beauty, talented in arts, grounded in philosophy, and ever remarkably blessed by the presence of the Gods Earth and Moon themselves. All orders of nature and angels came to sing and dance and play with her as she roamed the lonely gypsy road, and warned her about dangers and perils and detours as she walked through life, because all orders of nature and angels shared the same remarkable and perilous journey alongside her, The Golden Royal Goddess Of The Global Awakening and The Revolution of The Gods Earth and Moon. But no one ever told her, so she never knew that she was not really alone, much less that she was the sole Prodigy of the Gods Earth and Moon themselves, while everyone around her and around the world watched with lecherous eyes and salivated salty drops and lined up across the country and around the world to feast on her Goddess mind, body, and soul and the rapturous light of the Gods Earth and Moon themselves that shined down upon only her nonetheless. She just thought people were mean, cold, and callous. She thought she was just weird and lucky and unlucky, that no one would ever really know her and love her anyway, and that her strange walk through life would be unremarkable to anyone but her anyway, so she just let the Earth, the wind, the sky, the rain, the mountains, the oceans, and the trees feed her soul, and the Moon, her dreams, her thoughts, her feelings, her songs, her instinct, and her intuition guide her to her true calling, and though she had many harrowing adventures, reached the highest stars, achieved many great successes and never lost sight of true integrity and true virtue, and though she always only acted in good conscience and in good faith, she was still always marked by betrayal and ruin, so for years and years and years she just packed up and moved on. A new city, another town. New friends, old foes.

Then there came a chain of events that sparked a revolution for Tio, and then thereafter came the revelations.

Tio, the gypsy sleeping beauty, finally awoke from the evil spell of the royal prophets and came to know her true identity as well as her supposed role in the royal prophecy. Many hoped to sway her to forgiveness and to surrender of all her gifts and talents and works to them, because Tio was still just Tio, the same beautiful, sweet, and guileless swan that all the ugliest had cannibalistically feasted upon, and wanted to feast upon more, but the riches and luxuries that the wicked lavished upon themselves while Tio suffered that were offered to her now were only obscene atrocities to Tio. The suitors that had been presented to Tio were all champions of the highest royal design, chosen by the highest royals that esteemed themselves Gods to conquer Tio and the worldly estates that she had unwittingly inherited by way of the royal prophecy, because despite all those that came from all around the world to conquer and destroy her, none could. Tio was irrevocably innocent. Meanwhile, the royals that esteemed themselves Gods were irrevocably guilty.

Now the Gods Earth and Moon themselves were present for the hundreds and thousands of years that the royal prophecy was designed, carried out, and executed, and the Gods Earth and Moon themselves intervened and superseded the plans for the royal prophecy, effecting the only one true prophecy of the Gods Earth and Moon themselves. Tio already believed in and led the only one true prophecy of the Gods Earth and Moon in her own Global Awakening and Revolution, but now Tio found herself in full knowing command of all things Earthly and Worldly, solely wielding the great and mighty authority of the Gods Earth and Moon themselves, cradled by nature and guided by ghosts. This made many cagey powerful people very angry, and Tio’s decree really enraged them, but it was the benediction of the Gods Earth and Moon themselves that really sent them on tailspins in all directions. The royals that esteemed themselves Gods were desperate and rabid to esteem themselves superior to Tio, but could not be supreme. The royals that esteemed themselves Gods were desperate and rabid to make the Gods Earth and Moon themselves surrender to the royal prophecy, but could not be victorious. The royals that esteemed themselves Gods had no choice but to acknowledge the only one true prophecy of the Gods Earth and Moon themselves, and no choice but to bow before Tio. But of course, refused.

Tio was kept a prisoner in her one room flat where she was brutally tortured and tormented and indoctrinated and held hostage for ransom demands from the Gods Earth and Moon themselves that defied the laws of nature and thus could not and cannot ever be met, not that the Gods Earth and Moon themselves would ever surrender to such outrageous atrocities committed against themselves and loved ones anyway, but just as a matter of fact. The demands of the royals that esteemed themselves Gods were just downright outlandish and insane, unnatural and disrespectful. All the while the royals that esteemed themselves Gods whittled away the days and years on wicked and deadly vices of vanity and greed for a false and fleeting sense of power and cheap self defeating instant gratifications. You see, it came as a surprise to the royals that esteemed themselves Gods that they could be bested by Tio, the once ignorant and beholden wild thing that had for her lifetime always been at the mercy of the royals that esteemed themselves Gods, but now eclipsed them in all matters of the highest importance, and did it with an effortless ease as wild as the Gods Earth and Moon themselves, and as sophisticated, too, while the royals that esteemed themselves Gods toiled away the hours in stupified rages. This obviously made Tio a direct threat to the leadership and authority of the royals that esteemed themselves Gods, and that obviously made them only more vicious and cruel towards her, hellbent to smear and put stains on her character and mad psychiatric judgements on her permanent record to rule against her in the courtrooms of the royals that esteemed themselves Gods that they may appoint themselves as conservators over her and all her gifts, talents, works, and Earthly and Worldly estates while never once addressing her with the proper recognition and respect, because the royals that esteemed themselves Gods could not even judge and rule themselves, much less be smarter than the ignorant royal prophecy.

Nonetheless, Tio believed that despite the deeply bleak hopelessness of the world all around her she still must not be alone in it, that there must be other Gods among the living as among the dead that surrounded her. And Tio was a poet, philosopher, romantic, and prophet in her own rite and believed in the poetry, philosophy, and romance of the only one true prophecy of the Gods Earth and Moon. Tio knew in the in the deepest depths of her soul that there were others that believed the same as her, others that she prayed would form The Elite Alliance of The Gods to bring this vile world and the vile royals that esteemed themselves Gods and all the vile followers to rubble and come for her and take her home to a new world, to build a new world, the new world decreed by Tio and benedicted by the Gods Earth and Moon themselves. A new world of the Gods, by the Gods, for The Gods, and Tio knew that the time had now come. The Ultimate crossroads. Who would stand with Tio and the Gods Earth and Moon themselves? And who would follow the royals that esteemed themselves Gods to the ignorant royal prophecy’s final destination in Hell? Tio prayed for The Elite Alliance of The Gods to materialize before too long as the Gods Earth and Moon themselves materialized very real intent and command along with Tio as she made her decree. If none should come then all would fall as none would be worthy of standing.

Tio didn’t like to think about it, but she could not shake the thought that maybe there would not be an elite alliance. Maybe none would come before too long. Maybe none believed enough to be true. Maybe none had real courage. Maybe Tio would just grow old, tortured and tormented and alone, and just watch the whole world die all around her as the Gods Earth and Moon purge this world and all who ignored the cries and failed to heed the call to protect Tio and her Gods Earth and Moon, all who could not be smarter than the ignorant royal prophecy and all who would not be smarter than the ignorant royal prophecy. Then Tio would die old and alone, quietly in her sleep, in a quiet world without others, the very last human on Earth, having only lived to watch everyone die and to mark the conclusion of the human race, the Gods Earth and Moon themselves marking the conclusion of the harvesting of Child Gods for the new life after life in the life of the Gods Earth and Moon themselves.

However, an even less pleasant thought haunted Tio. She could just as easily be killed in a ritual ceremony of human goddess sacrifice on the order and decree of the ignorant royal prophecy as she could by a loosed royal follower. But as nightmarishly horrifying as this very real possibility was for Tio, and as it was for all her living and dead Gods, she still had the satisfaction of knowing that death not ended it for Gods, only for the royals that esteemed themselves Gods and all who followed the royals that esteemed themselves Gods, and that no matter what harm or death might befall her, Tio would still outlive all of them and watch them all die horribly and be aborted to Hell before ascending herself to the new life after life of Gods.

But the royals that esteemed themselves Gods believed that conquering Tio by any means, even death, would leave all her earthly and worldly works and estates to them to rule the world while others believed that survivors of the approahing and inevitable apocalypse could carry out Tio's works in the event of her death, all blindsided by the fact that Tio was the sole prodigy embodiment of the Gods Earth and Moon themselves, as the the Gods Earth and Moon themselves are the sole embodiments of themselves. Tio's death would be immediate treason against the Gods Earth and Moon themselves. Tio's death would end all talks and sever all communication with the Gods Earth and Moon themselves. Tio's death would leave none worthy of carrying out her works, as none are worthy of Tio's life any more than can actually perform her work as the embodiment of the Gods Earth and Moon themselves to facilitate the only one true decree of the Gods Earth and Moon themselves, and there really could be no mistake that the Gods Earth and Moon themselves had made the benediction on Tio’s decree and demonstrated fierce protectiveness with no intention of backing down, only every intention of following through. And there really could be no mistake that the Gods Earth and Moon themselves would never lose.

All must obey The Gods Earth and Moon,

The Gods Earth and Moon themselves will not stop until all obey,

All ends and begins with The Gods Earth and Moon themselves.

All will be Gods.




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